
Minggu, 04 Juli 2010


Yup, the title is not Jogja so I won't be talking much about that.

You know why I don't really discuss about my own life in this 'pretty private' blog? I guess it's because I refuse to. Because I don't get me anymore. I rather talk about something far from me, but I'm interested in, than something that actually is inside of me but makes me confused when I'm trying to comprehend it.

I've changed in probably the last two years. Better or worse? No idea. But I know I have, that's I'm sure.Ya, emang sih gue lagi mengalami fase remaja, jadi hal-hal yang terjadi sama gue, ya berlalu cepet banget. Ganti sama yang lain dalam hitungan detik. Semuanya serba gajelas atau labil. Capek? Banget. Kangen? Lebih lagi. Kayaknya semua remaja gitu ya? yaudah coba baca ini aja.

Intinya gue itu gatau orang yang seperti apa gue ini. Dan kayaknya gue gak mau mutusin sekarang, bakalan jadi apa gue nanti. Karena gue mesti banyak belajar dulu (bukan akademik doang maksudnya..) Jadi pasti lah gue nolak untuk ngomongin gue, hal-hal yang sebenernya terjadi ke gue, atau perasaan gue tentang hal-hal itu.
Bukan berarti gue jadi heartless lah. Makanya label dhea's idea itu isinya pikiran gue. Tapi gak semua perubahan gue ceritain ^.^
And yeah for me changes aren't that bad. Of course they suck at first. But you'll get trough them if you stay open-minded :) Just like my motto
Totally simple but it gets me trough bunch of stinking stuffs..

One thing..
The updates!

  • I've been in Jogja for 3 days! Of course it was fun.. tapi gaada fotonya hehe jadi kurang seru ceritanya. Disana gue kan cuma bareng kakak gue dan temennya dia, jadi kita kerjanya ya cuma shopping hehe.. Dan satu hal yang baru gue tahu tentang Jogja : ada transJogja uy! Ternyata udah kayak Jakarto loh! Tapi Jogja masih punya desa-desa yang isinya sawah, membanggakan! :')
Disana gue kerumah sepupunya bokap gue. Yang gue suka, rumahnya di desa gitu. Banyak sawah-sawah, ada sumurnya, dan rumah-rumahnya masih jadul! Kalo ke daerah luar Jakarta pasti barang-barang itu deh yang gue cari..
  • My aunt's wedding was tomorrow and it was awesome! I'm tired from the trip but I'm extremely happy for her..
  • My cousins and (another) aunt was visiting my family in Jakarta.. WHOA!! They're all grown up :) But, they're home now
  • I am a ninth grader! Gue masuk 92. Semoga seru yah :D Tapi ya semoga gue gak terleha-leha hehe.. kelas 8 comfort zone sih
  • I'm makin a blazer and cardigan! Belom selesai sih.. tapi udah berbentuk kok :) I'm about to post 'em, when they're done
Yeah, guess that's all. Love to tell you guys my feelings :)
Catch ya later, D.